Private coaching is perfect for the teacher who’s ready to leave the classroom and wants to prioritize her online business to create reliable & consistent income so that she’s confident leaving the classroom.

1:1 Coaching with Sandy

For the burnt out teacher who’s ready to build a business and leave the classroom in the dust

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Once upon a time, you thought you’d be in the classroom until retirement. But over time, something began to shift. The joy and excitement that once fueled your teaching days was replaced with stress and exhaustion. You found yourself working more than you’d ever imagined. And now the cost of going above and beyond year after year has made it crystal clear the dread you feel each morning.


1:1 coaching is the private, personal attention you need when you know you’re ready to leave the classroom, but need a plan to make it happen. 

This is a big (exciting and scary) life transition, and you don’t have to do it alone. 

Determining next steps can feel like a lot… I’ll help you cover all the bases and ask the important questions so that you feel confident leaving the classroom with a solid business plan in hand.
 move mountains through the relationship we’ll cultivate. I’m right there in it with you. This is the ultimate vip experience, completely tailored to you!


terrified when your forever job might not be your forever job anymore.

You see lots of confusing advice about building your business on IG and you’re overwhelmed. You’re not confident because all you’ve ever done is teach. You want/need someone to cut through the noise and guide you through the process. 

You’re throwing all the spaghetti at the wall, but it feels like nothing’s sticking. You’re constantly exhausted, overwhelmed, and scattered trying to figure out how to get your business going and get that steady stream of income coming in. 

You know you’re made for more outside of teaching. You see other people in IG building profitable online businesses. But you can’t figure out how to make it work for you. 

Does This Sound Like You?

You know you’re done with teaching, but you’re not sure how to get your business off the ground   


You have your business idea, but you’re not sure what to do next  

You knew exactly what you needed to be doing in your business everyday. No more crossing your fingers and hoping, no wasted time, no second guessing yourself; only progress and results.

You had the mindset and confidence to fully trust in yourself and your business and feel like the confident badass business owner (and person!) that you are.

You had laser focus clarity around all aspects of your business AND your life. 

You woke up everyday excited to live your life and run your business, and make the impact you know you’re supposed to be making in this world.

I Feel You.

And i've got you. Imagine if:

I’m Sandy - certified life & business coach and your new biz BFF.

I have spent the last year honing my coaching craft, growing my own business, and taking note of all the roadblocks along the way. I’m a certified life coach, am NLP certified, trauma informed, and my sweet spot is helping women build their businesses. 

But what does this mean for you? It means I’m ready to share ALL of this with you to help fasttrack you to your wildest dreams. You don’t have to make the mistakes I made. You don’t have to do it alone. I’m here and ready to help you get out of this rut you’re in. 

I’ve been right where you are (feeling “stuck,” miserable, unfulfilled, and scared sh!tless) and I made it to the other side. Now my mission is to help you get over here too (sooner rather than later, girl!) 

Once upon a time, you saw yourself in the classroom until retirement. And then, over time, something began to shift. Joy and excitement that once fueled your days was replaced with stress and exhaustion. Working more than you’d ever imagined. Going above and beyond year after year, but sensing the cost of it all in the way you feel each morning. 

The good news is that it doesn’t have to stay this way. I’ve been right where you are and made it to the other side – where the grass is actually greener. And there’s plenty of room for you over here, too!

I work with women to rewrite the stories they think they’re destined for. 

I remember when I was teaching, I would love professional development days; where I could wake up at a decent time, do my morning routine, not feel rushed out the door, take my kids to school, be able to pee whenever I wanted, feel valued and respected(ish), and not have to shove my lunch down my throat in 10 minutes or less. At the end of these days I felt tired, but not exhausted. Accomplished but not drained. 

You don’t have to wake up dreading your day, trying to conserve your energy for your loved ones after school (but then being completely exhausted that you fall asleep on the couch at 5pm.) You don’t have to crawl your way to the next break, barely hanging on to your mental health and sanity. 

I know since you’ve read all this way, you want this too. And I’m here to tell you it’s possible. 

There is nothing more exciting (and terrifying) than admitting that teaching may not be cutting it for you anymore, and that there just may be more out there for you. The beauty of this life is we get to decide what we want and then make it happen. So let’s make it happen together, so it’s not so terrifying. 


i see you...

And I’m here to tell you it’s possible. 

And I get it.


This is my day EVERYDAY now, and it can be yours too. 

You no longer have to try and figure it all out alone. I’m your second set of eyes, your sounding board, your cheerleader, and I’ll help you see your blindspots. I’ve been where you are and I know what it takes to succeed. I’ll also make sure that you follow through and do what you say you’re going to do. And if you don’t, we’ll figure out why to keep you moving forward and making progress. 

We’ll map out an exact plan that works for you and your business. You’ll get crystal clear in every aspect of your vision, so you know exactly where you’re headed and how to get there. No more guessing, no more wondering, no more questioning yourself. Starting a business can be intimidating, but after starting two, I recognize what it takes to get going and to sustain it. 

You already know your mindset is going to make or break you. But you’re not sure how to get a handle on it. Unlike most business coaches, I prioritize your mindset because I understand what a huge role it plays in all aspects of your life, including your business. Yes, you’ll see your business grow and blossom, but the mindset work we do is really the foundation of your success in your business AND your life. 

3 Ways My Approach Is Different...





$2,400 for 3 or 6 Months

*Payment plans are available. After our time together, you can add additional coaching or join group coaching. 

+ Private, high touch coaching experience 
+ 12 sessions over 3 or 6 months 
+ 1:1 Voxer access for coaching on the go

what's included:

Coaching calls happen over Zoom (or if we’re close enough, we can meet in person!) Each call is 45 minutes. We’ll also check in and communicate regularly over Voxer (a messaging app). 

Private Coaching


“Sandy’s coaching is enthusiastic, strategic, and action-oriented. I felt like the big decisions and actions I took because of our work together weren't so big after all, especially because Sandy was by my side EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. I felt wholly supported and cared for and as though nothing was too big of a challenge for me to overcome as I build my business.” --Meredith M.

Let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together! 

take the first step. (it's easy!)

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Fill out this form to get started. It’s only six quick questions, and no strings attached! I’ll be in touch with you ASAP! 

Like you, I was once a devoted teacher who thought I’d always be in the classroom, until I realized there was more out there. I left my teaching job in 2022 and haven’t looking back since. My life’s mission is now to help teachers take control of their lives, see the possibility, and create their own destiny. 

meet  your coach!

I'm Sandy — certified coach, former teacher and your personal cheerleader.