It was just another Monday… except it wasn’t.

Looking back, it was the moment everything changed.

Up early, my boys and I were making our “before school” trek to Grandma’s house. I didn’t WANT to be dropping the boys off… I just wanted to take them to school. I remember saying out loud, “It’s Monday. I can’t wait for the next weekend.” My then five-year-old chimed back, “I know. You hate your job.” Gulp.

My reply: “I don’t hate my job. I just love you MORE.”

And then, the realities of my weekdays set in. In my heart, I just knew:

Can you relate? If so, you’re in the right place.

I’m not willing to do this anymore.

I’m Sandy – a certified coach, former teacher and your personal cheerleader. 

Life and family are too precious to continue living this way. You’re tired of your loved ones getting the worst version of you because you’re so exhausted at the end of each day. If you’re honest, you can’t stand who you’ve become while trying to force yourself to stay in a place you no longer fit. You deserve to enjoy your days.

I help burnt out teachers move beyond a life they’re no longer meant for.

Like you, I was once a devoted teacher who thought I’d always be in the classroom, until:

  • COVID led me to take a deeper look at what matters most to me
  • The realities of our education system left me frustrated and discouraged
  • Joy I’d once felt toward the upcoming school year was nearly non-existent
  • Dread filled me each morning when I couldn’t take our boys to school 
  • I questioned who I was becoming, and if I could keep doing this year after year
  • I wondered if there might be other options available to me and started a side business
  • I realized that that saying goodbye to teaching might be the scariest, BEST thing I could do for myself and my family

It will be messy.
It will be uncomfortable.

Stepping away from the role of “teacher” is really hard.

It will be worth it.

It’s one thing to decide you’re ready to leave the classroom. 

It’s another thing to create a sustainable plan (that you’re excited about) before and after you leave the classroom. 

But you can exhale now.
I’ve got you.

Consider me your guide, your mentor, business-building buddy and the biggest believer in what is possible for you on the other side of teaching. 

I know that right now, it might feel like you’re stepping into the unknown with your eyes closed.

But together, we can make this season of your life feel less overwhelming and more fulfilling.

We’ll work together to figure out what you really want (that’s half the battle!), and then create a step by step roadmap on how to get there, one thing at a time. 

Fast facts. . .

podcast episodes recorded


Businesses launched (and Counting!)


acai smoothie
a day


hours of coaching experience


Fun Facts. . .

  • I can have an entire text conversation through GIFs
  • I'm always wearing hats
  • I'm pretty sarcastic 
  • I’m a barre instructor 
  • I dislike Thanksgiving food
  • I don’t believe in preheating the oven (and I can’t cook) 
  • I'm a really good mom
  • I'm a has-been, vintage NFL cheerleader (circa the early 2000s)
  • Lifetime access to 8+ robust business building modules
  • 8 Group Coaching sessions
  • Workbook component to keep you on track 
  • Accountability, support, and community
  • The tools and support you need to collapse time in your business and do in eight weeks what takes most YEARS!

Spread your payments out. One payment now, one mid program, and one at the end!

Pay once and that's it! BEST VALUE!


3 Payments of $300

Pay in Full (SAVE $100!)

I'm in!

Let's do this

Let's do this

  • Lifetime access to 8+ robust business building modules
  • 8 Group Coaching sessions
  • Workbook component to keep you on track 
  • Accountability, support, and community
  • The tools and support you need to collapse time in your business and do in eight weeks what takes most YEARS!
  • BONUS 45 minute private session with Sandy